Well, I seem to have been demoted from chemo rock star status. Besides a helluva prednisone crash, I’ve become neutropenic. What the heck is that??? Glad you asked. Neutropenia is when special white blood cells, called neutrophils, tank in number, making a person (moi) especially susceptible to infection. This is really nothing remarkable in chemo circles. It happens all the time. But, it has bought me a spot in a hospital bed (I’m the fourth neutropenic patient on this floor today, and that’s actually a low number). I’ve been admitted for IV antibiotics, just in case. Plus, I guess we have to wait for my blood cultures to come back, and that apparently takes 24 hours.

Anyway, Hubs and I arrived in the ER last night around 11:15pm because I had chills and my temperature hit the magic number of 100.3. At that temp, I’m to call the doc. So, I did. She wanted me to come in and get checked out. Of course, I felt fine by the time we got here, but we have to be extra careful. Days 7-14 after chemo (which I had last Tuesday) is when the blood counts drop and I’m most at risk for infection. If I’m not making much sense, please excuse me. I didn’t get admitted to my room until 4am, and I haven’t slept more than a couple of hours (a hospital is really no place to be when you’re sick and need rest).
Funnily enough, I have an appointment with the oncologist today. Now, instead of me going to her, she’ll come to me. On the plus side, I bet I’ll get to skip the $40 copay for the office visit. In any case, I’ll post again when I have news.
Original Comments from the CaringBridge Blog:
feel better Deb. you’ve been doing so great.
—Mary Schumann, May 12, 2015
OK My Wonderment–You have so much courage and that HUMOR is priceless as you fight this mess–Remember you are truly a Miracle in the making!! Hugs!!
—jo Wilken, May 12, 2015
The things some people will do to get out of paying a copayment. Glad you are following the rules though.
—Laura Roberts, May 12, 2015
I awoke at 4:15 this morning with the thought…”Hmmmm,,,haven’t heard from Deb for a few days…” I have been in Denver celebrating a Baker Girls Mothers Day with a whole big bunch of your cousins ranging in age from 2 (there were 3 of that type) to 71 (that would be Jeff ) and thought that perhaps Caring Bridge didn’t come through on my iPad. Glad you are back, sorry you are in the slammer, but glad they have a handle on your neutra penis or whatever penis you are dealing with. Sending you lots of cheer and amazement at your wonderful sense of humor (definitely from the Fink side, yes?) and your good writing. Keep at it. XO
—margo barbakow, May 12, 2015
Ugh. I don’t like this but you’re still a rock star. Thinking of you. xoxo
—Holly Ruck, May 12, 2015