I’m still waiting to find out if I’ll be sprung today. Meanwhile, I thought I’d share some musings I’ve had on the whole hair loss thing. In between chemo cycles, I’d get some fuzziness on my head because the hair would grow back a bit. Not enough to have kept it, mind you. I would have looked pathetic with thinning, patchy hair. I much prefer the smooth look. It makes a statement. Maybe several. Well, here, in the hospital, I’m not exactly worrying about my appearance. So, yesterday, The Girl looked at my head and asked, “Did you forget your razor?” Never in her life has she noticed if I don’t shave my legs, but my fuzzy head – yep, that’s much more apparent to her.
It probably only took me a few weeks to get used to seeing my bald reflection in a mirror, but behaviors are a different story. When I shower, I still run my hands over my “hair” under the water. And I still have the urge to wrap it in a towel when I’m drying off after. And when I scratch an itch? It wasn’t until a couple of weeks ago that I’d be careful to just use the very tip of a fingernail so as not to muss my hair.
I have to say, unless I see someone with a fantastic ‘do, I don’t miss having hair one bit. It’s so freeing to not have to deal with washing, conditioning, styling it. And I’m really not looking forward to the whole growing it back process. Though, I still plan to rock a Mohawk (a short one) while I’m in the GI Jane stage, before the full-on chemo curls grow in. I figure I can probably gauge how well the hair will come in (and when I’ll stop shaving the fuzz) based on my eyebrows and eyelashes. I am DEFINITELY looking forward to those coming back.
I’m not sure which of those I miss more – the brows or lashes. The other day, I mentioned to Hubs that I thought the barely there brows were what really made me look like a cancer patient. He looked at me and said, “Nah, I think it’s the bald head that makes you look like a cancer patient.” (We laughed.) Seriously, though. I didn’t feel like I looked ill when I saw myself in the mirror until the brows and lashes went. It’s been a long time since I felt I absolutely had to wear makeup to step out of the house, but these days, I don’t even like running to Tarjay without my face on. I just keep telling myself… soon. I’ll be back to my low-maintenance (stop laughing, Hubs) ways soon.
Anyway, I’ll let you all know when I hear about my fate today. Hopefully in an hour or so. Cross everything!
Original Comments from the CaringBridge Blog:
Hoping for good news!
—Amber Youngman, August 5, 2015
My eyes are crossed!!!!!
—kay matton, August 5, 2015
Everything is crossed, and at 80, that ain’t easy!! : )
—jo Wilken, August 5, 2015