So far, the patch seems to be working. My back is sore, but that’s to be expected after having 20CCs of blood pushed in there. Now, we are headed ball home. I’m to take it easy – no heavy lifting for the next 4-5 days. No laundry, grocery bags, vacuuming, etc. I had to have them put it in writing so Hubs would believe it.
The reason for the forced laziness is so the blood that clots over the hole causing the leak doesn’t get knocked off. It’s basically like a scab, keeping the fluid in and allowing it to replenish, thereby equalizing the pressure that had dropped from the leak, causing my headache.

On top of taking it easy, I’m supposed to push the caffeinated fluids (a little contradictory, don’tcha think?). Thank goodness I have my lorazepam for bedtime!
Original Comments from the CaringBridge Blog:
I must have missed that you had a LP. I have a condition that causes high CFS pressure and sometimes need an LP to drain fluid. However, often I get a low pressure headache and have to push caffeine and lie flat for 24-48 hours and I had to have a blood patch once because I continued to leak. I feel your pain. Take it easy!!! And feel better fast!!
—Erica Traub, June 18, 2015
Glad the patch is working.
—Susan Rosenthal, June 18, 2015
Glad the procedure helped and you’re headed home!!
—Vanessa Schenk, June 18, 2015