I have soooo overextended myself this school year, but I’m finally whittling things down and getting some responsibilities out of the way. You know things are extreme when I print my holiday cards (which went out today) with errors – grammatical and otherwise.
Subbing was off to a grand beginning but then jobs became scarce. I finally figured it out – there seem to be not enough advance positions posted. I’m a planner. I don’t do last minute. I think the jobs are all snatched up by 6am, leaving me out in the cold.
Even without subbing, I still spent multiple days a week at school because The Girl was in a Lego robotics club. December 3rd, they competed in aregional tournament and won the Rookie Team Award. Mind you, they were the only rookie team in the tournament (there were two others in the concurrent tourney), so that made it a slam dunk.

You’d think things would have calmed down, but no. Because I got to sub again around the same time as Christmukkah shopping, card designing, and upgrading the design of the synagogue website. But, all of those are done (or almost done). Tomorrow, my family comes over to celebrate Hanukkah. Then, Christmas and Moranfest (which will be on the light – ha – side this year) will be upon us.
Even with all of the insanity that I’ve got going on, there is one thing that I’ve just cleared from my docket that stands out the most. I had my six-month checkup with Alla yesterday at ye ol’ Kellogg Cancer Center, and she asked me the most wonderful question – how would I feel about no more scans? Um, yes please!
Stay tuned for more holiday goodness, including a retrospective of holiday cards past. 🙂