When I knew I was going to be shaving my head, I got this idea to henna tattoo my bald pate (Turns out, if you google “chemo head henna tattoo” there are tons of women who’ve done this, so my bright idea? Not so original.) My next door neighbor (and sometimes babysitters), Erin, has been known to henna her hands, so I asked her if she wanted to do my head this summer when she came home from college. She was all for it. Unfortunately, each time she came home, she was a bit under the weather, and since I couldn’t take any chances with germs, we couldn’t do it. Then, a few weeks ago, I saw her sister, Alyssa, henna tattooing her own hand. I didn’t even know she did it. Happy discovery! This week, Alyssa turned my scalp into a canvas, just in time for my last chemo treatment, which is coming up on Monday. Then, as the chemo works it’s way through my body, the tattoo will slowly fade away. By the time it’s gone, I will hopefully be working on growing my hair back.

Sometimes, it feels like the time has flown. But, when I think about how I’ve been dealing with this since the start of the year, and especially when I’m wiped out from the chemo, it feels like it’s been forever. Either way, I can’t wait to get back to normal (not that anyone’s ever called me “normal”), going to the gym, getting strong again, feeling good, planning travel adventures, and enjoying what’s left of the summer.
Original Comments from the CaringBridge Blog:
Great post
—Brian Kirshenbaum, July 26, 2015
What an awesome look! Yay for the final chemo treatment and moving on. Your have made this journey in
—Kris Baker, July 26, 2015
Hey–You were always as normal as I was–Right?? You really do ROCK!
—jo Wilken, July 25, 2015
Love it!! Good for you!
Once you’re feeling 100% I can’t wait to hear abt all your adventures!!
—Vanessa Schenk, July 25, 2015
Love this! I had mehndi done years ago and decided I wanted my next real tattoo to use some of the details from the art and the coloring as well. Trying to decide what I am getting now as it is going to be my reward to myself for making the Dean’s List my first two semesters back at school.
—Erica Traub, July 25, 2015
Beautiful! YAY for Monday being your last round!!!!
—kit stadig, July 25, 2015
Here’s to arriving at the finish line….which is actually going to be the staring line. Cheers.
—margo barbakow, July 25, 2015
Wow! Very clever, Miss Deb, or should I say Miz Fashionista??
—kay matton, July 25, 2015
You and your melon are beautiful!
—Lauri Harvey Keagle, July 25, 2015