Damn chemo brain. I bought OJ and other refrigerated stuff yesterday. This morning, I realized it’s all still in my car. 🙁 Plus, I was soooo tired. I took a nap AND went to bed early. It wasn’t until late afternoon I realized the probable cause… my first day off of prednisone! I celebrated that milestone by having Mongolian beef for lunch at P.F. Chang’s with my parents today. Oh, I’ve missed Chinese food.
This morning, I got the best confirmation that Meredith is ok with my baldness. We were at the bus stop, and just as the school bus pulled up, she said, “Show Dee Dee your head!” Dee Dee is the kindergartner next door. I asked Mere, “Are you sure? In front of everyone on the bus?” She said, “Yeah.” So, I took off my hat. Dee Dee’s jaw dropped. The kids on the bus looked at me like they weren’t sure what they were seeing. I put my hat back on right away because it’s chilly in the mornings. But, before the bus pulled away, I saw many confused faces staring at me, so I pulled the hat off one more time. I was amused. This afternoon, Mere told me that she heard a kid say, “That mom looks really weird,” but, it didn’t bother her. And THAT is all I care about. As long as she’s good with it, everything is copacetic.
I think it’s fitting that I took a photo of the needle used for my weekly port draw today, since I was so worried about Arya’s Needle last night, when we got around to watching GOT (if you don’t watch, you’re missing out).

Yes, it’s a fat needle, so even though it’s mightily sharp, it packs quite a punch of an owie. Today, however, I remembered to put numbing cream on the port area, so I barely felt it. Arlene drew my blood, and pulled it right back out. They didn’t make me stick around for the results this time. Woo hoo!
And now, a few direct messages:
Margo – Do tell about Poppy throwing his toupee.
Kristen – Adam said the same thing about me looking like Brian!
Brenda – my wig is synthetic, but frankly, if you don’t see the edge of it, you really can’t tell. I heard the human hair wigs are a lot of work. No thanks.
Original Comments from the CaringBridge Blog:
Mere rules. ❤️
—Taunya Farr, July 11, 2015
Proud of your daughter, and proud of you! And I forget sh*t in the car all the time, but I have no excuse!! 😉 Glad to see things are going well and humming right along. Keep up the good work!
—Amanda Lehmann, April 30, 2015
Deb, I so admire you. You are smart and brave and funny.
—Loretta Annex, April 29, 2015
My friend, your sunny attitude is amazing. So proud of you. And honestly, I buy stuff and forget about it ALL THE TIME. At least you have a good excuse. 🙂 xoxo
—Holly Ruck, April 29, 2015
You are just something else–Something wonderful and funny and full of courage–There are no limits on you–You are NOT missing the Miracle, and you have already Overcome!! Big HUGS!!
—jo Wilken, April 29, 2015
I love your stories, Deb. Speaking of Poppy, remember that we met your grandparents in 1999 on a Panama Canal cruise. Every evening in the dining room, your elegantly dressed grandmother and dapper grandfather entered with all eyes on them as Poppy tipped his toupee to the entire room! Thinking of that always makes me smile. They were such wonderful people! I so admire your resilience and Meredith giving her stamp of approval on your bald head! Children just “get it”!! Prayers are heading your way! Have a great Wednesday!
—kay matton, April 29, 2015
This is the tale as told by Poppy’s baby sister Ruth, aka Ruthy Belle. They were at a large party or charity event. Poppy (Uncle Sam to me) made eye contact with a guest at another table across the room and yelled “Hey!” to him to get his attention. As soon as the guy was looking at him, your dear Poppy flipped of his toupee and flung it, Frisbee-style, right at the guy, who caught it before he realized what had happened. Everyone hit the floor in contorted laughter. Did Fomicles ever tell you about the photo Poppy carried in his wallet of his “pride and joy”? ASK HER!!!!
That needle looks wicked to me…..I hope it didn’t get bent in your body! I am so glad you have the Finkelstein humor genes….Laughter gets us through the toughest of times.
—margo barbakow, April 28, 2015